Best Doula Websites on the Net

Check out these unique websites created by Doulas! Because, we all like to compare…

We all need inspiration sometimes, especially when starting something from scratch! So let me provide you with some of my favourite Doula websites currently on the net!

Cory Bush Doula

I love the use of space and imagery within this website. The home page is clear, and the menu options are obvious. The use of professional imagery and simplicity insures viewers spend time and engage. Check it out!


This is a great example of a simple yet beautifully designed website. They utilize simple wallpaper designs as backgrounds, and if you look closely, you will notice each page uses a different colour. With only a few calls to action, they leave the viewer less confused or undecided. I like it!

The Good Birth Co

Not only does this one feature a ton of imagery from our Collections, it’s to the point, beautiful and uses very positive and encouraging language. Go check out the tag line on the homepage, it’s perfect!

The Birth Boss

This one. This one is just gorgeous! On the website you’ll find perfectly branded content, hip font pairings, neutral tones, creative and inviting imagery, and best of all, images of her! A must see, and definitely something to strive for folks!

Mama Glow

Beautiful website, well laid out, informative blogs, and eye catching imagery. Diverse offerings to fit many unique needs. This is a fun one!


What I’m loving here is the unique offering and perhaps the narrowed down niche this Birth Worker offers. The website beauty is on par with her unique offerings for parents and other Birth Workers.

Nesting Doula Creative

Being bold with colours is more fun than it looks! I am loving the “sticky” sections where you have one side still, and the other side scrolling down. It adds another layer of dimension to the design and may captivate the viewer’s attention. I am also loving the use of creative imagery not involving birth. It sets a tone or vibe for the viewer.


This is called a one-pager. If you look at the menu you will see a few clickable options, however, each link leads to a section on the page. Short and simple descriptions with clear calls to action. This is great!

The Moody Doula

I saved this one for last for a reason. Just go check it out!

More added as I come across them! Hope that they bring you all the inspiration you need today ❤️

More added as I come across them! Hope that they bring you all the inspiration you need today


3 Copywriting Tips for Doula Websites


Bridging the gap between Passion and Profit as a Doula